The Memolub pump is engineered to deliver powerful output pressure and is capable of pumping low- and high viscosity lubricants at extreme temperatures. Thanks to the patented electro-mechanical technology inside Memolub, the system is safe for the negative consequences of back-pressure.

Memolub Pump Animation transparant
Memolub Dosing Pump EN 01

A reliable dosing principle

The pumping cycle comprises two distinct strokes: the transfer stroke and the suction/expulsion stroke. Upon reaching the bottom position, the piston has expelled the entire dose. Subsequently, the pump enters a standby mode until the next pumping cycle. This ensures a precise and consistent dosage of lubricant at the lubrication point over a specific time interval.

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Transfer Stroke

During this stroke, the piston ascends. The elevated pressure within the dosing chamber causes the suction valve to close, while simultaneously opening the piston valve. As a result, the contents of the dosing chamber are transferred to the outlet piping.

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Suction/Expulsion Stroke

This stroke occurs as the piston descends. The reduction in pressure within the dosing chamber prompts the suction valve to open, while the piston valve closes. As a consequence, lubricant is drawn into the chamber, occupying a volume determined by the piston stroke. Simultaneously, the transferred fluid is expelled into the outlet piping.

Patented Adaptive Ejection Technology

In conventional electro-mechanical lubricators, the piston is directly driven by the gear motor, which poses challenges during the short pumping cycle compared to the standby time. When the pump needs to deliver the entire lubricant dose within a specific timeframe, any resistance in the flow, such as length, clogging, or distributor blocks, can result in excessive pressure buildup in the downstream piping. This, in turn, may potentially damage the gear motor if no protection system is in place.

However, Memolub pumps feature a unique and patented solution. Instead of directly driving the piston during the ejection stroke, they utilize a compression spring that winds during the process. As the spring relaxes, it subsequently pushes the piston. This indirect drive mechanism brings forth several significant advantages for the system.

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Oil white


When encountering flow resistance in the downstream piping, the piston automatically adjusts its downward speed, slowing down the outlet flow accordingly. This adaptive ejection time enables optimal lubricant delivery, even in varying downstream piping configurations. While competitors may rely on more powerful gear motors, potentially leading to higher pressure buildup, Memolub pumps allow for a longer ejection time, ensuring efficient lubricant discharge.



Winter conditions with negative temperatures can adversely affect grease consistency, increasing its apparent viscosity. While other lubricators may encounter faults and cease lubrication operations, Memolub pumps persistently continue pushing the dose, albeit at a slower pace. This resilience ensures continuous lubrication, even in challenging winter environments.

Easy maintenance


The work applied by the motor is primarily focused on compressing the spring from the piston's "bottom" to "top" position. While in other lubricators, energy consumption and component load might increase when fighting against system back pressure, Memolub enables you to predict the consumed energy and mechanical wear. This predictability allows for efficient maintenance planning and ensures a reliable and long-lasting system.

The most grease-friendly lubrication system. Ever.

Greases, the harmonious blend of oils and thickeners (soaps), act as remarkable oil-containing sponges. When subjected to elevated pressure and/or temperature, they undergo an unsolicited phenomenon called "bleeding" - a proportionate separation of oil from the soap, altering the greases condition.

Unlike other lubrication systems, Memolub employed it's expertise to create the most exceptional grease-friendly solution available on the market.

In all conventional gas driven and some electromechanical lubricators, the entire grease reservoir remains constantly pressurised, even at low pressure levels. Unfortunately, this sustained pressure leads to substantial oil separation from the grease, causing hindrances. The soap conglomerates, leading to clogs and disruptions in the downstream piping and mechanisms, impeding system performance.

However, Memolub's cutting-edge systems operate with a non-pressurized reservoir, ensuring only a small dose of grease is meticulously drawn and ejected by the piston. At this smaller scale, any separation phenomena become invisible, and even if they occur, the grease effortlessly homogenize within the downstream piping, guaranteeing seamless lubrication.

Memolub grease